Instructions for abstract submission

Guidelines for Submission of Abstract​​

Abstract should be divided into various headings as mentioned in List 1. However, the mentioned headings are merely indicative. Authors can choose any suitable headings of their choice. Other technical instructions for writing abstracts are given in List 2.

List 1: Indicative headings for writing abstract
  • Introduction / Background : Introduce the subject area of your work along with existing research gaps
  • Purpose: What is the aim/objective of the research paper?
  • Design/ Methodology/ Approach/ Materials and Methods / Experimental: How are the objectives attained? Include main method(s) used for the research. What is the approach to the topic and what is the theoretical or subject scope of the paper?
  • Results / Findings / Results and Discussion / Findings and Interpretation: What is the likely outcome of your research?
  • Research Implications / Limitations (If applicable): What are the applications of the current research work to the society, business or any other entity, impact on economy, etc. Identify limitations in the research process, if any.
  • Originality/Value (Mandatory): What is new in the paper? And whom will it benefit?
List 2: Technical instructions for writing abstract
  • Abstract Language: English
  • Paper size: A4
  • Length: 300 words excluding title of paper, author(s) name, affiliation and address and references
  • Margins 1 inch (2.54 cm) on all four sides
  • Title of paper 14 point, bold
  • Authors name 12 point; Put asterisk (*) to corresponding author
  • Affiliation & address 10 point (mention address clearly indicating place, pin code, state, country, email id and cell no.)
  • Font of text matter: Times New Roman, 12 point
  • Headings: All headings in 12 point, bold
  • Line Spacing: Single (Give one line space between title of paper, author’s name, address and text matter)
  • Title page: Title, author(s), affiliation(s), contact details
  • Keywords: 4- 5 in alphabetical order
  • Co-authorship of up to two authors is permitted. However, each co-author has to individually register himself/herself for the Conference and at least one of the co-authors should be physically available to present the paper.

Note: Submit your abstract at

SYMROLIC-2025 Abstract Submission Form Click Here